What's the best time of year to get your foundation repaired?

You know that you have some issues with your foundation, which need to be fixed, but when is the best time to do it? Does seasonality matter, or can you do it any time of year? Here is what you need to know about repairing the foundation of your Niagara region home so that you don't have to repeat the repairs and you don't experience any further damage to your home. 

Foundation repair

Autumn Foundation Repair

One of the best things about getting repairs done on your foundation in the fall is that, for the most part, the temperatures are still warm enough for external repairs to be done without fighting against frozen soil. 

On the downside, autumn is a great time for everyone to get work done on their foundation, so it's going to be a busy time trying to schedule professionals to come out to your home and do the work, 

 Also, late fall can sometimes experience frigid temperatures similar to winter, so you will want to make sure you do your best to schedule the repairs in the early fall (early to mid-September). 

Spring Basement Waterproofing

Spring Foundation repairs are a popular time to have foundation repairs done. Spring repairs are often done out of necessity because the thawing earth shows Niagara homeowners where the cracks in their foundation are. If you have foundation problems, spring is when you'll most likely have a wet basement. 

With the spring thaw, you also get a lot of rain and moisture in the ground. All this water creates a lot of mud and can make it difficult for contractors to work with the ground around your home. Further, contractors can be extremely busy in the spring due to high demand for emergency repair work, making it difficult to schedule a licenced foundation repair contractor

Summer Foundation Waterproofing

The ground will be as warm and dry, making it easy for contractors to excavate around your home. 

In the summer, it may be easier to see foundation damage since all the snow will have melted, and you can access all areas around your home without any issues. It may or may not be easier to schedule a contractor to come out during this time since many people like to take a vacation in the summer, so some companies may not have as much availability during this time. 

Winter Foundation Repair

The frigid temperatures can make it very difficult to complete any outside work during this time, however if you need to have inside work done on the foundation (like interior cracks or installing a new sump pump), these cooler temperatures are perfect. Thus, winter can be great for foundation repairs on your Niagara home, depending on the type of repairs that need to be done. 

One thing to keep in mind is that some repairs may require homeowners to turn off their HVAC system. With how cold Niagara winters can get, having your heat turned off for an extended period may become very uncomfortable for your family, so this would be something to keep in mind when scheduling foundation repairs in the winter. 

Contact Foundation Fix today

If you require repair work done on your foundation, we are ready to help you any time of the year. Contact us today